Enables Romance from just a Smile or a Glance

hookup, Inc. announces the launch of its new website. Have you ever made eye contact or shared a smile with someone, but then you both went your separate ways without introducing yourself, and then regret not making a move? Finally, you get a second chance by signing onto hookup, Inc

For people who seek a means of reconnecting with someone after favorable encounters in real life, hookup, inc. provides a simple, elegant and convenient solution. Unlike most online dating websites, which simply provide personals and computer generated match-making, justhookup.com offers a streamlined website where users can post and search the database for free in an effort to reconnect with each other.

Users are allowed to search the database by filling in a simple form on the website with the details of their encounter. If there is a positive match, the website provides an opportunity to contact the other individual anonymously via e-mail.

Users need only provide a username, email address and their gender. Users also have the option to upload a photograph and/or provide their mobile telephone numbers if they wish to receive wireless text alerts whenever they get responses to their posts.

Services currently include the ability to search and post to the database for free. Users can register for free and the registration process is very quick, vastly different from most dating sites where lengthy questionnaires need to be filled out for matchmaking purposes.





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