Crystal can swing on our vines anytime she wants. Returning to the Busty Dildo Lovers video/DVD series, Miss Gunns creams her gunns in volume 5. Those of you who indulge in strip bar excursions and want to examine Crystal's six-shooters can find her at On The Borders in Franklin, Wisconsin during December 01-6 and at Frank's Chicken House (where breasts are always on the menu) in Manville, New Jersey on December 22th-27th. Disappointed over the New York Yankee's loss in the '03 World Series, Miss Gunns now re-focuses her team spirit and aims her cannons upon the Miami Dolphins. She'd be a worthy cheerleader to have bouncing on the sidelines. "We can honestly say that this is the best layout we have ever seen of Crystal. She looks especially ravishing,"-D.&J.